Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Girls Night Out

Spontaneity.  It's important in relationships.  Personally, I think it is important in relationships with children as well.  It's teaching them a great lesson.  Right?

Tonight, the Onceler was called to duty by the office to deliver a "left behind" piece of furniture, leaving Thing 1 and Thing 2 and I to fend for ourselves.  I'm a big fan of "girls nights" and luckily, so are they.  So I called one on the spot.

My awesome in-laws delivered the Things to the office where we were all going to hit dinner on the hub's way out of town.  SURPRISE--he had to leave earlier than initially expected.  Things begged for Chipotle, and if you know me, you know they didn't have to twist my arm too badly.

Thing 2 has a "thing" for public bathrooms.  I think she is punishing me because I used to nurse her in bathrooms when she was an infant.  I wasn't the "whip it out" kind of mom.  So, of course, she HAD to go at Chipotle, despite my threats that she'd better go a LOT or else.  Of course she didn't have to.  But we now know she can reach the sink by herself AND the soap, an improvement from our last Chipotle trip.

Because our Chipotle is beside Baskin Robbins, you must know the second leg of our evening tour. Interestingly enough, Thing 1 gets the nastiest kind of ice cream possible--Daiquiri Ice.  I swear, it's frozen tequila.  And she loves it.  I'm pretty sure this is a bad sign.

Thing 2 gets the brightest color "something" she can find, and after two bites, announces to the whole store she has to poop.  Of course.  She insisted she wanted to go by herself at first, and at first, I was going to let her--it's a small store.  Just when I decided to step in the bathroom and check it out?  She was just before  sitting down on the URINAL when I opened the door.  Ever tried to explain what that is and why little girls can't use it to a 3-year old?  I highly recommend you think it thru before you judge me any further.

Alas, we survive BR and decide to make an extra stop before we make it home.  It's hot, I'm a cool mom, so I suggest the spray park.  The girls were ecstatic.  They thought my "out of nowhere" idea was about the best thing ever-and even more fun because it was a surprise for us all. 

So I, in my work clothes, and they in their shorts
head in to the spray park to get wet, of course.

At first, it was cute and funny.  They were having a blast.  So I started snapping pictures on my phone.

So we played the WT family, with no bathing suits.  And no towels.  I realized we would have to go home at some point and the soaked clothing could present an issue.  But that would be later so "future me" would take care of it.  I went back to snapping pictures.

Thing 1 discovered quite the "trick" of wearing a dress and the fountains.  Or a preview of 25 years in the future when her water breaks.

Finally, time had marched far enough and it was time to leave.  Apparently, the blanket that is always in my trunk with which I had planned to dry off the Things?  Yup, it got taken out of the car. 

I had two soaked, dripping children and all I could find in the car?  An apron, leftover from Vacation Bible School.  Obviously there was a higher purpose that knew this day would soon come, else I would have already removed it, right?

Thing 1 and Thing 2 were dried off with an apron in the parking lot.  And then I did the only thing left to do--I stripped them down and strapped them into their car seats, buck naked. 

After they had properly questioned me as to what would happen if a policeman pulled us over, I drove very carefully home so they could streak around the yard "because it's fun to be naked."

Sure, it was a new low.  Sure, the Oncelot will have heart failure when he reads this.  Sure, the doorbell is ringing and it's likely DFS.  BUT...tonight?  I'm the fun mom and they are happy I belong to them, so they say.

That's what I call a GREAT girls night out!

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