It's the theme of our church's Vacation Bible School. It's been a great week, lots of learning for both Thing 1 and Thing 2...and me this week.
1. Naps during VBS week are mandatory. Daddy took the Things to a birthday party on VBS Day 1, no naps as a result. Thing 2 cried all night. She was the only one. Not sure why parents wouldn't be comfortable leaving their preschoolers with a sweaty "chef" who keeps quietly threatening one crying child. I'd call it a bonus.
2. No matter when VBS week falls, it will always be the single hottest week of the summer. And the AC will go out either at home or at the church. This year was at the church. You think I'm joking, but one or the other ACs always gets spunky. I'm secretly glad it wasn't the one I have to pay for this year. After all, I'm on vacation.
3. Not all preschoolers are created equally. I love the kids at our church. But VBS brings "other" kids, too. Many of these kids are good. But there are always a few...
Parents: if you want to take your kids to a visiting church for VBS, that's awesome. We want them, God wants them. But please be sure they know how to act in public, if not church. I recognize I hold Thing 1 and Thing 2 to high standards. They will tell you if they act out, I will take them home to beat them with a stick. Ask them. Please note, I never have beaten either of them with a stick. But once they realize I won't follow thru with the stick? All is lost.
4. Breastfeeding, uncovered, is not appropriate during vacation bible school. I nursed my kids, I'm all for it. But either cover yourself or sit at the back of the room to do it. It's not our place to explain to preschoolers what you are doing and/or what "that" is. Also, your child is 9 months old. He doesn't need to eat every 20 minutes. If he does, you need to supplement formula. Preferably during VBS. Finally, if you can quote the "rules of engagement" when it comes to your right to breastfeed? You're making it your own agenda and your child will suffer--don't nurse him until he's 5, please.
5. Food allergies are serious. Thing 1 is allergic to every food except chicken, oranges and egg whites. I know a lot about food allergies and I take them very seriously. Tends to happen when you have to pack an epi-pen. It's not ok to tell people your child has a food allergy when you are just wanting him to eat organic. Lying in church seems wrong on multiple levels.
6. When you get 2 1/2 hours of a free babysitting service AND free dinner for you child/children? You don't get to complain. Period.
7. I asked Thing 1 what she has learned this week. She tells me "Jeff" has braces and is very cute. "Super" cute. But it's ok, it's not like she "wants to marry him or anything. Do you think he wants to marry me?" I'm sooo not ready for her to grow up. And yet it's happening, faster every day.
8. I asked Thing 2 what she has learned this week. She laughs and tells me a new word: Camel hottie. And I don't want to know what it means.
What would you do if your mother asked you?
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