That's going to be the name of my new book...inspired by the princesses. It is a very simple stragegy that allows you to eat as MUCH as you want, and you still stay thin...
I call it...the Condiment Diet.
Pickles, mustard, ketchup, black olives, green olives--as much as you want, to ensure you fill up your tummy and don't have room for foods such as meat, fruit or veggies. Chase it down by "jug sucking" large amounts of milk and you are guaranteed to maintain your girlish figures.
Delaney started this diet when she was about 2...and she has never given it up. It's insane, the child will eat more olives than anyone could even imagine...At least one jar--the big jar--a week. I guess olives do have "good fat" but she takes it to a new high...
Ryley's condiment of choice is a tie between black olives and pickles. If in a black olive mood, they apparently taste better when you put one on each finger and chase your sister around first. If in a pickle mood, you must be sure you eat enough dill pickles that you reak of dill juice for at least 2 hours.
I am convinced my children have the strangest diet of any kid on the planet. Yes, I know I've allowed them the liberty of this strange diet. It's one of those "I'll never let my kids..." moments for me.
Face it--if they have something in their tummies, they sleep. If they sleep, we sleep. Therefore, LET THEM EAT OLIVES AND KETCHUP FOR DINNER.
Alas, I encourage you to try your family on this latest diet craze...or it will be, when I write the book, publish it and appear on the Today Show. Don't worry, I won't forget the little people when I'm famous...I'll even sign your book for free.
I've actually done the condiment diet... and the canned food diet (peas, green beans, etc.). I'm a big fan. I may try reverting back to it, to lose the baby weight.