Saturday, August 7, 2010

What the hell happened to Saturday mornings?

Saturday is my one day of the week to sleep in. And sleep in is only until 7 am these days. And yet Saturday seems to be the one day of the week my darling children wake earlier than any other day.

This morning, it was Thing 2, presenting at 5am asking for Spaghetti O's. Breakfast is an odd time for us. My children are not good breakfast eaters. Not only do they not eat much at all, but they don't like "traditional" breakfast foods. So I'm ok with the spaghetti o's for breakfast--seriously, it's likely better for them than a sugared donut or something like my parents fed me.

But the 5 am thing was brutal. I usually embrace the 5-6 am waking time, but last night I was stupid and stayed awake 3 hours past my regular "bedtime" chatting with a gal pal who is very quickly becoming a favorite. I needed some girl time and she's very funny and very witty. While that should make me feel better about staying up late, I'm freakin' tired. Not enough coffee consumed yet? Perhaps.

I'm feeling a little bitter toward Thing 2. And she didn't even eat the damn spaghetti o's because they didn't have meatballs in them.

Headed to pool birthday party for Thing 1's "bestie" this afternoon. But the queen's rule--we all take naps first. Or nobody goes. Yep, I'm a bitch.

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